His name is Bond, James Bond.
Recently Jaci and I went to see the new James Bond flick, Casino Royale (we had a coupon). I have since been doing some reflecting; and thought I would share some of these reflections with you, my readership. Just in case you wanted an untrained opinion.
So I have been a Bond fan as long as I can remember. Some of the many things I have enjoyed about the franchise are as follows:
a. The gadgets. How awesome are they!?! Watch lasers, phone tasers, and all things uber-cool.
b. The cars. Sleek, sexy, fast cars that are loaded with, you guessed it.....more gadgets!
c. The know-how. Bond can out fly, out drive, out shoot, and out anything to anybody.
d. The fighting. Guns, knives, fists, tanks, whatever. He can fight with anything!
e. The women. 'Nuff said.
I have also liked that the movie producers don't allow swearing (good for them) or nudity (darn it) or grotesque violence (ewww). Granted there is always a lot of violence, but it's old school violence. No dismemberment, gushing blood, etc. Not to mention that he's a good guy spy and spies are just awesome!
So how does Casino Royale compare to other movies? Well, there's very few gadgets for one thing. I got over that because Daniel Craig is far and away the most physical bond I have ever seen. I wasn't overly fussy on the romantic stuff (not typical for Bond) but it does help to explain part of the Bond psyche.
As to which Bond is best? Tough question. Everyone has their favorite and most will say Sean Connery. Not I. I liked Connery but I thought that Brosnan was a much better Bond than his predecessors.
Between Brosnan and Craig? Brosnan pulls off the middle aged Bond very well and Craig does very well as a younger Bond. In the grand scheme of things Brosnan is a better actor, no question about it. However, Daniel Craig is a better Bond.
Bond fan or not, I highly recommend seeing this movie on the big screen. Bond fans will not be disappointed and Jaci is still gushing about Daniel Craig without a shirt on. She says, and I quote "(she couldn't actually speak because of the mouth full of drool)"
There's my opinion.
Be well all.
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