Monday, April 24, 2006

New Links

So I decided today to add a few more links to my site; and screwed it up. The links are there and they work, but they seem Why? Because I did it, that's why. When computers are involved, no other explanation is required. I think in my attempt to delete Steve's blogsite (still sad to see it's gone by the way, always enjoyed his stuff) I think I deleted some others. Please don't take offence, I'm an idiot and hopefully all should be rectified soon.

Why do I think this? I have placed a call to the two people I know that can help me. My wife, and Pernell. Hopefully all should be fixed up in a day or two. In the mean time, allow me to explain my links.

Local Weather
I always check the weather before I go for work. Because really, I'm going to have to stand out in it for lengths of time so I want to know what to expect. Then I started to check it every day. It's a habit now, every morning I check my e-mail and the weather for the day. So if I do, then maybe others want to as well.

The Doctor Is In
This is a website that lists thousands of different medical topics. Medications, diseases, symtoms etc. Very useful tool. Bear in mind though it's an American site. Not all Canadian drugs are approved for the US.

Granted, I am no scholar of the English language, but it's intentional murder drives me crazy. As an example, the intentional replacement of an "es" with a "zed" drives me nuts. One or two words are ok if they are salient to the story or to make a point, but that's about all I can take. Why does this happen? I don't rightly know but I thought that if having an on-line dictionary close at hand helps me, it may help others.

Help of the Dog Owner
Just a site that has hundreds of different articles written by dog lovers for dog owners on just about any topic you can imagine. I gave this site to Abby and thought that I would share it with anyone else that might be interested.

So that's it. Hopefully soon the site will look normal again.

Until then, please have patience.